First of all, I would like to thank Gisele Jaquenod for providing me with this adorable (free) blog template. Well, she did not provide the template directly to me, but I was dropping my Entrecard on different blogs last night and found her site through another site. She has quite a few amazingly (is that a word?) cute templates available and they are all free. Some are two column and some are three column, which is what I opted for.
If you are unhappy with your blog template, I highly recommend popping in and visiting Gisele Jaquenod. You won't be disappointed! :)
Secondly, Gisele Jaquenod is having a contest.
Click the photo above for additional details. I plan on entering the contest however, I have to make something for the contest first!
thanks for sharing, i'll check it out and i might join the contest too.
thaaaanks :D :D :D :D specially for promoting the contest!! it's super important to me, so i have been inviting lots of artists to it :)
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